By Vani Laroiya

For STEM Term 2 2024

Status: Incomplete

Solar-Powered Toy

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Work Health Safety

Trip Hazards Strain 3D Printing Precautions Laser Cutting Precautions Soldering Irons Assembly Precautions
Bags are a trip hazard in the classroom environment, especially when on the floor. Overexposure to laptops and electronics can lead to eye strain, and poor posture while using these devices can lead to back strain. You may get injured if any body parts are exposed or the machine door is open while the 3D printer is in use. While using the laser cutter, if you are not following the proper precautions, the machine can burn you and cut you badly. While using a soldering iron, you can get burned if you accidentally come in contact with the metal part when it is turned on. During assembly, you may catch a splinter, get burnt by the hot glue gun or get cut by sharp edges.
Time Plan

Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10
Design Brief Planned -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Actual Actual -- -- -- -- -- --
The Design Brief took a week more than anticipated.
Research Planned Planned -- -- -- -- -- --
-- Actual Actual -- -- -- -- --
The Research was delayed week more than anticipated.
Time Plan -- -- Planned -- -- -- -- --
-- Actual Actual -- -- -- -- --
The time plan took an extra week.
WHS -- -- -- Planned -- -- -- --
-- -- Actual -- -- -- -- --
The WHS was done a week before expected!
Drawings -- -- Planned -- -- -- -- --
-- -- Actual -- -- -- -- --
As per planned.
CAD Work -- -- -- Planned Planned -- -- --
-- -- -- Actual -- -- -- --
CAD was finished a week faster!



Final Result